Sakura Sunday 2015 in Philadelphia, PA

Like my previous post on the National Cherry Blossom Festival, this one will be light on words but heavy on pictures.  On April 12th I drove up to Philadelphia to attend my first Sakura Sunday, Philly's cherry blossom festival.  This festival is much smaller in scale compared to D.C.'s, but it has a much more intimate feel to it (and you don't have to fight through huge crowds just to travel from one side to another).  Unfortunately their cherry blossoms haven't even begun to bloom yet so the area wasn't as pretty as it could have been.


I attended three awesome performances (links to Youtube videos at bottom of post).  The first was by the Tamagawa University Taiko Drum and Dance troupe from Japan.  This was an awesome way to kick off the day as their well choreographed and synchronized movements were breathtaking. 

Next up was the performance by the Yosakoi Dance Project 10tecomai from New York.

To end my day was the performance by Bonten, a Japanese Taiko drumming troupe that puts a modern and unique spin on taiko drumming with the inclusion of the flute and piano.  Their performance was definitely full of energy and was a joy to watch.

Those weren't the only events that I attended, though.  For instance, there was a Harajuku Fashion Show:

And there was the Cosplay Fasion Show held by Zenkaikon (video at end of post).  I picked a bad spot to stand so I didn't get any good shots of the fashion show itself, but here are a couple of group photos taken afterwards.


Finally, I didn't take many cosplay photos but here's the few that I did take.

The Sakura Sunday festival was a lot of fun despite it's small size and lack of cherry blossoms.  I'm definitely looking forward to going back next year.  Finally, here are the video recordings that I took during this festival.