Washington DC Sakura Matsuri Festival 2016

Washington DC Sakura Matsuri Festival 2016

This will be just a quick post from the Sakura Matsuri Festival held today in Washington, DC. The annual Japanese culture festival is back and located in a new location.  Previously held on Pennsylvania Avenue, the festival is now located in a lot near the Nationals ballpark close to the Naval Yard.  I'm not sure in terms of square footage if the festival encompasses a larger or smaller space compared to previous years, but the new layout meant less traffic choke points and made it a little easier to move around.  The location at Pennsylvania Avenue was notorious for its congestion, especially around the food areas which made it a slow crawl to get anywhere.

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National Cherry Blossom Festival 2015

National Cherry Blossom Festival 2015

This post will be light on words but heavy on pictures.  I went down to Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 11, 2015 for the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival.  I got there early in the morning at around 05:30 AM to ensure that I get a good parking spot at Hains Point and to be able to take pictures of the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin during sunrise.  I ended up wasting a lot of time waiting at some spots to get some pictures so the golden hour came and went before I knew it, but it was still a good learning experience nonetheless.

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